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The public transport task is growing globally, driven by increased demand and a population boom. Using Australia as an example, the population is expected to double in less than 50 years – meaning that we can expect 30% growth in demand for public transport by 2030.
With rail networks being a prime candidate for transporting commuters across an increasingly sprawled landscape, public transport providers will be under pressure to provide faster, frequenter services without grossly inflating costs. Start thinking about how your organization can manage your assets for safety and optimal performance, and find out what software technology is available now to help you achieve this.
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Get the latest innovations and best practices for rail maintenance safety in the future. Download our free whitepaper.
Enterprise Asset Management
Explore 8 key strategies to reform taxi services in Dr. Kaan Yıldızgöz’s whitepaper, by Trapeze. Discover real-world success stories and actionable frameworks to drive change!