
Work within a single planning platform

Deliver better passenger experiences

Compared to other transport modes, ferries have their own unique set of working constraints that impact planning and scheduling – such as how many staff are required to operate vessels, on water and dry dock maintenance, and extreme weather events. Each ferry requires a qualified Captain, and its size will determine how many deckhands are required for a safe and reliable operation.

Accurate timetables and rosters create schedules that bring success to a ferry operation. The ability to easily match crew qualifications to your ferry services is crucial.  Ferry planning and scheduling must consider several issues to meet regulatory compliance, meet service level requirements, and stay within set operating budgets to deliver better passenger experiences.

Planning & scheduling capabilities

Optimise ferry crew, fleets, rosters and network planning for maximum efficiency and customer convenience. This tailor-made tool delivers benefits across multiple business roles.

Human Resources
Executive Management


Automate complex ferry scheduling tasks and react quickly to last-minute changes and incidents. Simplify scheduling tasks by integrating staff preferences, rules, awards, and enterprise bargaining agreements.


Human Resources

Create roster visibility and balanced workloads for crews that meet industry guidelines and compliance thresholds. Easily access accurate rosters to manage staff schedules and source information that is managed digitally, legally verifiable, and auditable.



Leverage planning and scheduling insights to ensure ferry availability for daily operations, including peak services. Take account of maintenance activities for land and water-based infrastructure, including ferries, maintenance barges, mooring facilities, and dry dock overhauls.



Provide accurate, up to date information for passenger apps, displays and timetables in real-time. Export data directly to third-party applications and transport operators to meet data management and data-sharing requirements.



Optimise ferry resources and meet service level requirements. Manage your vehicle deployment levels strictly and understand your nautical mile cost and running costs by vessel type.


Executive Management

Create statistical reports on-demand to gain clear views of business performance that enable major decisions to be made with confidence. Undertake analysis to identify ferry fleet performance improvement, and opportunities to introduce efficiencies and innovations.

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