Singapore’s LTA looks to the future with fleet management technology

Singapore’s LTA looks to the future with cloud-based
fleet management technology from Trapeze Group

Singapore – 2 May, 2024

The world-leading public transport services delivered by Singapore’s Land Transport Authority (LTA) are set to be enhanced by a cloud-based Bus Fleet Management System (BFMS) implemented by the Trapeze Group-ST Engineering consortium.

The consortium successfully implemented a Centralised Fleet Management System that has supported Singapore’s Bus Contracting Model since 2014 and currently oversees about 5,800 buses across four public transport operators. Under the new agreement, the consortium is due to transition to the next-generation franchising solution. Trapeze’s latest fleet management software and in-vehicle hardware enables LTA and their operators to continue delivering connected and reliable journeys for Singapore’s residents and tourists.

It will aid incident management decision-making and provide information to the public transport operators to better manage bus service reliability and capacity provision.

Frank Hesse, Trapeze Group ASEAN Managing Director, said Trapeze’s experience as the established ITS technology provider to LTA can streamline the Bus Fleet Management System implementation.

I am delighted LTA can continue its long-term relationship with the Trapeze Group-ST Engineering consortium, which powers outstanding public transport experiences for people living in or visiting Singapore.Mr Hesse said.

Trapeze is proud of the high-level service and expertise we have provided to LTA over the past decade, and I look forward to reaching new heights together in the years to come as we help LTA Singapore deliver its 2040 vision.

Trapeze’s Intelligent Transport System (ITS) is the core component of LTA’s BFMS, built upon a real-time cloud-based software architecture with open API’s and a new WebGUI front-end. By transferring LTA’s system to the Government Commercial Cloud, the Trapeze solution can improve the productivity of bus service controllers while keeping a high level of cybersecurity.

The new Trapeze system uses enhanced analytic functionalities to continuously optimise models and produce even more accurate bus arrival-time predictions. Trapeze’s Business Intelligence solution also enables business users to create reports on key outcomes in a more flexible and dynamic manner.

New-generation in-vehicle systems, certified to industry-leading ITxPT specifications, are due to be installed on all buses across Singapore’s network. This innovative hardware, on a Linux OS platform, sets a new standard in processing power, data transmission rates, and location accuracy for LTA. Crucially, these improve interoperability between in-vehicle systems, demonstrating LTA’s commitment to progressive and future-ready bus services.

The solution also supports Singapore’s current EV bus fleet rollout with monitoring of EV assets through seamless integration with on-board technology and the charging infrastructure platform.

To learn more about Trapeze Group’s suite of ITS technology please visit our website here or contact our team to get the conversation started.

Interested in ITS? You may also find the below content useful:

ITS Evaluation Guide
Learn the benefits of public transport ITS and see specific questions public transport authorities should consider when selecting an
ITS solution.
ITS Case Study – LTA Singapore
LTA has used Trapeze’s ITS solution to support Singapore’s Bus Contracting Model since 2016. Read what benefits this has achieved.

ITS Press Release – NTA Ireland
Trapeze ITS wins 2023 national AVL and
ITS contract in Ireland. 

ITS – Explainer Video
Watch a short 2-minute overview of Trapeze’s
ITS solution and its benefits.

Mode of Transport

Bus, Trams/Light Rail, Ferry


Intelligent Transport Systems

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