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Published in Case Studies
Ventura Bus Lines’ creative use of technology helped the business to save costs, respond more quickly to tenders, find new revenue sources and improve staff satisfaction.
Ventura is the largest bus operator in Victoria, Australia and operates extensive fixed route and charter services across Melbourne. It is Public Transport Victoria’s most reliable bus service provider in the state and the preferred supplier of numerous Melbourne private and state schools, Metro Trains and Yarra Trams. Ventura has been a Trapeze client for over 20 years.
Sound Transit oversees several public transport services, including express bus services, commuter rail and light rail, within the Greater Seattle Area.
Bus Enterprise Resource Planning, Bus Planning and Scheduling
Explore 8 key strategies to reform taxi services in Dr. Kaan Yıldızgöz’s whitepaper, by Trapeze. Discover real-world success stories and actionable frameworks to drive change!