Zurich Transport Authority’s Integrated Control for 6 Agencies

The city of Zurich attaches great importance to public transport and has the world‘s most modern multi-agency system.

This complex system was planned, supplied and commissioned in four phases between 2004 and 2009. Multifunctional displays on buses and trams show transfer connections for the passengers’ convenience. Comprehensive, up-to-date information helps make the journey time feel shorter for commuters and gives them more flexibility in reacting to delays or disruptions.


    • Control centre: 12 dispatcher workstations in 4 control centres, 31 information workstations, 9 IT workstations
    • Hybrid radio system: 19 voice channels, 24 data channels, 16 base stations, 133 data/voice radio transmitters/receivers
    • Vehicles: more than 1,000 vehicles (buses, trams and cable cars)
    • Dynamic passenger information: 10 TFT display signs, more than 2,000 multifunctional displays in vehicles
    • Depots: 46 depots

Zurich Transport Authority

The area covered by Zurich Transport Authority (ZVV) encompasses 1,839 km² with 1.27 million inhabitants. The ZVV control system includes 6 participating transport agencies operating more than 1,000 vehicles in all.

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