Artificial intelligence in public transport

Download the Artificial Intelligence in Public Transport eBook for Free

Topics surrounding efficient public transport are at the top of the agenda in urban centres globally. Traffic congestion has increased by 23% since 2008; people in large cities such as Los Angeles spend an average of 100 hours a year in traffic jams. The United Nations estimates that the world’s population will swell to 11.8 billion by the year 2100.

With a majority of this growth occurring in urban centres, implementing more efficient public mobility solutions will be even more important. Could artificial intelligence (AI) be the key to unlocking optimal transport solutions?

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Prepare for an autonomous future

The 5 steps you can take now to future proof your business steps you can take now to future proof your taxi business

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Mode of Transport

Bus, Trams/Light Rail


Intelligent Transport Systems

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Trapeze Group

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Transforming Taxi Service Delivery

New Whitepaper!

Explore 8 key strategies to reform taxi services in Dr. Kaan Yıldızgöz’s whitepaper, by Trapeze. Discover real-world success stories and actionable frameworks to drive change!